Tuesday 20 January 2009

Inauguration Day!!

I did not think I would have time to go and work today, but I did.  My African American Art History class was cancelled because...... well...... I am pretty sure my teacher was overly pumped about the speeches and all.  I watched most of it before I went to class and enjoyed it.    I had a long day of classes and work until I got out of my last class at 830 pm.  WOW! the days are long around here, but I find ease and simplicity within the madness.  Making pots on a daily basis surely calms the nerves and gets my mind off of things.  It is a great way to start my day off.  Listening to music and making pots before class is great!  I will update tomorrow for everyone, but for now I must go to bed in order to arise at an early hour.   

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