So today I got up early to do some decorating and finishing up of some pots as well as orgonizing, and mixing glazes for the salt firing on Friday.

I have been working very hard to get some different types of trailing slips without making too much effort. This new black slip is a clay body that I dug from a creek bank. It was full of sand, but was black as coal so I sifted it and it is gorgeous in its wet form. Hopefully it does not mess up when fired though. This was only a test because this pitcher has a cracked handle and the slip is too wet. I was just foolin' around.
I also went to Hals place today to cut wood for the firings we will have in March. That did not take but a few hours in the afternoon and was well worth going. I made a bunch of bowls this afternoon as well. I tried to upload a video of me trailing, but it was being stubborn so.... I did not. Tomorrow I am going to visit Dwight Holland in Seagrove and hopefully I will be able to visit some other people as well. Sorry I skipped a few days, but life got hectic and stressful with school for a few days there.
Nice decoration. I really like the fish. You get nice gestures with your slip. Tell Dwight I said hello.