Saturday, 28 February 2009
Friday, 27 February 2009
Weak Week..... but a good week.

So here is a picture of a bisque I was stacking. The large pots at the bottom left no room to put anything else on shelves so I decided to tumble stack. I had never really done it before and thought it was fun getting these guys to all balance on one another. It really makes me want to do some tumble stacking in an atmospheric firing some time with wadding and all. They all came out okay this morning and I put another load in. It should be the last one for the firings before the show in Hickory. That show is on the 28th of this month and is one I am really looking forward to.

This is the last still life I finished in painting class. As you can tell I was brown nosing my teacher a bit by writing that I hearted her.
Next week is the week before spring break and everyone is running around with midterms on their mind and all. I am one of the ones with much due at the beginning of the week so I am at school working on stuff for class all weekend like the really persistent college student that I am (said with a sarcastic tone). This past week has been pretty chill though while doing the bisque and all. I did alot of reading and stuff. Did some thinking about pot designs as well. It is always good to have some time to do that every once in a while. I plan on doing some sketching and planning for some new pot ideas on account of being a little burnt out after working for this load. Hopefully spring break will be rejuvenating for that.
Friday, 20 February 2009
School and I can see the light!

So this is a self portrait I did last year for painting one. It is going in the school spring show so I had to bring it back for that. I am almost finished with the pots I have need to have done for the show in Hickory. I brought too many last year so I am taking it fairly slow and trying to make everything look nice. I plan to have a bisque tomorrow and make a very large jar. I have a few teapots to assemble and some decorating to think on and do as well. I have been trying to get some poem ideas for a few pots. I plan on finishing up with all of the serious pot making next week. I will do my last large piece on Saturday and then do a few bowls, plates and things without handles so can dry real fast for the firing. I also may go and do some digging after that and start planning for the work I will do for the summer. It is certainly a good feeling to see the light at the end of the tunnel and be able to start thinking of the next move.
It is also good in order to put some more effort into school. I am doing fine in everything except I am feeling a bit of pressure in German class. The weeks are going by so fast around here with all of the fun I am having making pots and being with friends at school. I am having a great time though so it is a little bit sad when the time flies away like it has been. I will get some pictures of the lot tomorrow and hope to bring some good news.
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
New Pots
I am trying to get my slip to accent my forms well, but still have alot of work to do in that department. The jug will be a lamp.

Another large jar assembled in two pieces using the capping off method used by Burlon Craig in Turners and Burners.

Here are a load of new mugs I have done lately.
Sorry I have not blogged in like a week, but alot has been going on around here. I am working on some new ideas and slip patterns and plan on putting them to practice very soon. Good day all.
Birthday present
Yesterday was my birthday and my mom got me this awesome Seinfeld jacket. She said she bought it off of ebay a few months ago with me in mind. It was purchased from New York and belonged to Jerry Seinfeld himself. Every actor on the set had a jacket just like this one. I did not ask for anything for my birthday so this was an awesome surprise. I wore it all day yesterday, but I guess I hang it up or something like a piece of memorabilia. I am not sure though because I feel much funnier when I have it on. I am debating over wearing it or hanging it up in view somewhere.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
pot video
A short video of a fairly large decorative vase I made the other day. The video helps you to see the whole pot instead of just one side of it. It is a great advantage over a photograph.
I tried to not make it sideways so consider it part of the experience to slant your head to the left please.
A Few New ones
The one on the left is going to be a lamp. I had intentions of putting a face on it, but was tired after doing two of them. I am glad I decided to do the flower trail instead.

Some mugs I have made. I try to make three or four mugs every time I go into the studio. A friend of mine at school has been joking with me about where the label is on some mugs so made the labeled one with him in mind. haha. Maybe someone will want to advertise with me.
Pics Cont.
Pictures of New Work
Friday, 6 February 2009
A New Day
A vase and jar I decorated today. They are both with about 7 pounds of clay. I have been thinking of lining and glazing at the leather hard stage in order to avoid cracks that happen when you glaze bone dry. I got some cracks in the last firing due to that. The face on the right is not one I like because I think it is emotionless, but as my father would say; "somebody'll like it".

Here are some casseroles I made about a week ago, but just realized I wanted to put a picture up of them. I hope you enjoy. The black slip came out with a crackly texture that I like, but I am thinking of mixing something with it in order to soften the texture.
So I got to work a bit this morning and it felt good after the treasures show. I have been making some large one piece jars and jugs lately. I made a face jug today and did not like it very much, but I do plan on making a few more faces on Saturday so hopefully they will get better. I am excited about getting some work done without any show pressures for the next month or so. I am planning on making all of my large pieces first so I am letting some of my clay harden up a bit so I can pull up a few large pieces.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Treasures of The Earth Show
So the show went well tonight. I got to talk to some people I haven't talked to in a while so that was great news. I unloaded to newly fired pots from the electric kiln this morning and took them over to set up my space. Overall I think it looked pretty good. My camera was there, but I forgot to snap a picture. I would also like to get some pictures of the other booths to talk about some other pots. So a post of full capacity will come soon after I get some pictures of the booths. I am excited to get to work on my pots tomorrow morning so posts are soon to come on that too.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Ok so the last few days have been absolutely nuts!! My pots came out and look great on the outside, but my liner glaze (temple white) under fired. I have the show for these guys on Thursday I am unsure of what to do. Yesterday I had planned on just sitting them out and selling the ones that fired correctly and putting not for sale on the rest with the intent to re fire them later. This morning I awoke with the intentions to pack up some things, but instead I got a call from Ron around 8 that changed my plans. He suggested I try to re fire the ones that messed up in the electric kiln. It is pushing it, but I skipped dimensions this morning to re glaze (cone 6 clear) and load those suckers into the old electric kiln at school. Here I am again under the pressure of waiting to see what comes out of another firing. Why do I do this to myself!!? The only thing to do now is pray that they come out in living color before Thursday night. Lord bless 'em. Amen.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Saturday Firing
Had a firing all day yesterday. Doug and I shut it down after about 2 hours of salting at around seven o' clock. I am so anxious though on account of having a few pots mess up. Actually I only had 2 teapot lid knobs pop off, but it really worries me on account of the possibility of them landing on some of the other work. I cant believe I made the mistake of not drilling a hole through the bottom up the knob. Doug told me that it was an easy mistake to make, but it was humbling and reminded me that I am still learning. This firing will benefit me in the photography part of my Penland application. All of the work for the show in Shelby on Thursday (Treasures of The Earth) will come from this firing as well. I guess I put quite a bit of pressure on myself for this one. I had about 40 or so pieces in there along with some other student work from school. Hopefully I don't drive myself nuts before unloading on Wednesday.
I had such a good time spending the day with Doug though. Since I am planning on doing some kiln building after March and into the summer I had plenty of reading to do and questions to ask as the firing day trucked along. I am getting lots of ideas from this book. I am now thinking of using pugged out bricks made of a high fire clay content, some cement, sawdust.... (you get the idea). I would put the wet pugs on the outside of the wooden frame and fire the bricks to temperature when I fire the kiln. I am going to do some tests before I actually build the real one this summer. If anyone has any suggestions or reasons why this will not work please let me know so I can consider things and possibly adjust my plans. Thanks everybody!!
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