I spent the last half of this week wadding, loading and firing pots. Martha, Doug, and I finished salting the kiln at around 12 am. I chose to let the kiln cool fairly rapidly to around 1800 in order to achieve some shiney surfaces. Looking in there at the last minute I could see what looked like some pretty nice surfaces. This load of pots is probably the best lookig load I have ever made and I am extremely anxious to see what they look like. I made the big pot with a coil and throw method and it is around 30 inches tall. I am excited to see what happens with it as well as make some more that are bigger some time soon.

This is the front shelf stack packed to the ceiling. I have a number of clay body tests in this kiln load that I really hope work. If they do then I may be digging a whole bunch of clay very soon. I also have the first fountian I have ever made and designed in the kiln, but you cannot see it on account of it being in the back. It was a request from a man who goes to my church. Hopefully it did not crack.
I start Penland at the beginning of the week after next. I am extremely excited. Especially after seeing all the fun Ron Philbeck is having by looking at his blog. maybe I will make some penland posts while I am gone there. I am going to try and take some good photos before I leave of these new pots that hopefully come out well. I will try and get some of those up here.
Talk to ya later.
looking forward to the results... they look good so far