I know it has been a while since I have posted on here, but it has been somewhat busy. I guess that is no excuse. All of the pots pictured are ones that I have made this cycle.

We are three weeks away from starting to load the salt kiln here at the Hewitt Pottery which means we are making work as fast as possible. The vases above were a first for me in this location and he does them differently than I did them so they were a good learning experience. I spent a week making vases of this style in different sizes.

This is the biggest sale of the year here and also the shortest cycle of the four that are done annually.

These are quart jars that are not this blurry in real life! haha!
The shelves are filling up fast here and hopefully in good time for loading. I am learning and enjoying this place more and more every day. I am looking forward to cranking out a whole lot of work in the next few weeks as well as doing whatever it takes to do my part in keeping the place in order.